Autonomous is a unique blend of musicians from multiple backgrounds, experiences, and influences. They combine all these assets to create a genre-bending musical experience that you don’t find in most bands. From Country and Classic Rock, all the way to R&B and Heavy Metal, Autonomous has a little bit of something that everyone can enjoy.

Austin Boggs

Behold, the bombastic bald bard from the badlands of ol’ Hazard. His guitar skills are known across the land for being finger-shredding, face-melting, AND funktastic. He has also been caught behind the microphone a time or two letting it rip on some R&B or Punk—a spectacular combination! He studied jazz at Morehead State University too, but don’t let that piece of paper fool you… He is a rock’n’roll fret runner through and through. You can also catch Austin playing music with the likes of: Byrd Law and Garage Lobotomy. (But he likes us best—don’t tell anyone 🤐).

Jeshua Logsdon


Well, This is Jeshua! He sing-a the songs and slappa the bass. He’s an odd duck with an odd love for classic rock, hair-metal, country, gospel, musical theatre, and pop… it’s a lot… We know. He did this thing called Governor’s School for the Arts in 2009, studied at Savannah College of Art and Design for a while, and toured internationally with Elvis das Musical in 2016-2017. He also owns a music school in Lexington, KY called Unlocked Music Studios. (HE IS SO EXTRA—WHY DO WE TOLERATE HIM). You can hear just how odd Jeshua is by checking out the other project he participates in called Caravan Discordia (think circus punk doom metal) {did we mention he is odd?}.

oh, he does both? Weird.

Joy Clevenger

It is our absolute JOY to introduce this next member of the band. The one… The only…

She has the voice of an angel, fallen from grace, right onto Capitol Records’ doorstep (for legal reasons, this is a joke; Capitol Records would probably laugh us out of the room). Joy’s singer-songwriter sound with hints of grit and soul are the backbone of Autonomous’ background and lead vocals. She is a graduate of University of Kentucky and a small business owner in our hometown—Lexington, KY. All this hullabaloo to say… She is legitimately wonderful. An absolute JOY to be around. You would definitely en-JOY her company. In fact, you might re-JOY-ce if you find yourself in her presence. (okay, I’m done now.)

her name is right there, I’m not gonna type it again.

Ryan Woods

We have tried and tried to lose him, but he just keeps showing up at gigs. You know when you feed a stray cat and… you know, nevermind.

This man is a powerhouse. A self-wound meter machine and drum-stick wielding percussive magician, if you will. He has worked with professional and collegiate musicians from all over the place. He has played with choirs, vocal ensembles, jazz groups, rock groups, steel bands, you name it! He is a graduate of Morehead State University, and a tenured professor at Autonomous’ School of ROCKNROLL (which doesn’t exist… BUT IF IT DID). Ryan is the beat behind the genre-bending façade. I guess we’ll keep him…